
Pakistan FM Qureshi wins “CNN anti-Semitic slur remarks” debate


Pakistan Foreign Minister Shah Mehmood Qureshi has gained immense support from the online community across the globe over the ill-timed behavior of CNN’s journalist, a media conglomerate, in which CNN Television host alleged Shah Mehmood of giving anti-Semitic comments.

Qureshi — who arrived in New York on Wednesday on a Palestine peace mission to attend the UNGA emergency meeting — was interviewed by CNN’s Bianna Golodryga.

The minister began the interview by talking about Israeli aggression and calling a ceasefire “inevitable”. “Israel is losing out, they are losing the media war despite their connections. The tide is turning.”

Asked about the connections he was referring to, Qureshi laughed and said: “deep pockets.”

“What does the mean?” asked Golodryga. To which Qureshi replied: “They are very influential people. They control the media.”

To this, the CNN anchor said: “I mean I would call that an anti-Semitic remark.”

“The point is that they have a lot of influence, they get a lot of coverage. What has balanced that is the citizen journalist that has been reporting, sharing videos and that has jolted people that were sitting on the fence and they are speaking up”, Qureshi responded.


Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MOFA) has strongly criticized the CNN attempt to twist the Pakistan FM remarks.

People on Twitter reacted to her bias to spin remarks by FM as “Anti-Semitism”.

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