World Punjabi Congress Chairman Fakhar Zaman condemned the anti Punjabi statement statement made by PMLN MNA that ‘Punjabi is the language of abuses’ said that that was the irresponsible statement and showed that the Punjabi members of the National assembly have no regard for the language of Sufis, language of tolerance, love and brotherhood.
“There are a group of ‘foolish’ politicians who are chauvinists and jingoists. I am surprised on the criminal silence of the Punjabi members on such stupid remarks. This shows that the elitists group, bureaucracy and politicians belonging to Punjab have no regard for their mother tongue,” Fakhar Zaman said in a statement issued.
He said, “We have been struggling for the last 30 years that Punjabi should be given the rightful status like other languages of the provinces. We have advocated with full force that Punjabi should be made the language of instruction at primary level and the first ever Punjabi University should be established in Lahore. But unfortunately our demands have been previously ignored by the vested group.”
He vowed to hold demonstrations in front of the Punjab assembly if such members of the national assembly would continue with such statements.
Pakistanis and the whole world have seen unfortunate scenes on the floor of the National Assembly where lawmakers from treasury and opposition benches hurled budget copies and used abusive language to press their stances on the budget for the fiscal year 2021-22.