Prime Minister Imran Khan addressing to the National Amateur Short Film Festival said that Pakistaniat must be promoted to create a positive image of the country as films can truly represent the beauty of Pakistan to the world.
Imran Khan said that mistakes were committed at the beginning since the Pakistani film industry was inspired by Bollywood which only imported their culture. On the other hand, Pakistani television was exhibiting a different approach and culture which found appeal in India as well.
“So the most important thing I want to say to young filmmakers is that according to my experience of the world, only originality sells — the copy has no value,” the prime minister said.
“I want originality in our film industry and for it to bring a new way of thinking,” he said. The premier said he was repeatedly told that people don’t watch local films unless commercial content isn’t included. “Vulgarity started from Hollywood, came to Bollywood and then that kind of culture was promoted here.
The Prime Minister urged the youngsters to promote Pakistanism as they have huge opportunities in film industry.
Talking about the religious tourism potential, Imran Khan said world in new millenium has acknowledged our effort of Kartarpur corridor.
He said Pakistan has twelve climatic zones which mean it can produce everything and can export to the whole world.
Speaking on the occasion, Minister for Information and Broadcasting Chaudhary Fawad Hussain said government is taking bold steps to utilize modern technologies for film making purposes.
He said media plays an important role in promoting the narrative of states.
Chaudhary Fawad Hussain said as per the vision of Prime Minister Imran Khan, the government is establishing first Digital Media University this year.
Thanking the ISPR, he said it has given a new dimension to short films in the country which is commendable.