
Mumkin Alliance demands a violence-free society, punishment for harassers


LAHORE: Mumkin Alliance has organized a media briefing on ‘Violence Against Women Issues’ at Park Lane Hotel, Lahore after several cases were reported against women and girls in parts of the country in the recent weeks.

“Mumkin Alliance is a network that raises voice, violence against women. Crimes against women & girls have increased in Pakistan with time,” said Salman Abid.

“Mafias including Usman Mirza do blackmail women because of weak prosecution and implementation of laws” he added.

“Murder of Noor Mukaddam showed the cases of violence against women were increasing, he said. “Girls are raped and murdered every very alarming day. He said the support mechanisms and concerned department must play their prompt and effective role to prevent and protect women and girls.

He added that rapists and murderers have been arrested but released after trial as lacunas were seen during the interrogation of the cases, said Salman, and urged the government to adopt transparent mechanisms to provide speedy justice to the victims.


Bushra Khaliq said, “Women should be given violence-free environment. She said violence against women is an issue of men.  According to her, “sense of impunity promoted violence against women because the harassers know they would be freed. She further added that realization on the part of men would create a hindrance.

Bushra lamented that women and children are insecure in the environment. According to her, there was no justification for violence in any form. Violent behavior needs to be ended. According to her, laws were made and implemented for the protection of women and children.

According to her, “derogatory attitude must be ended”. Women have been chained in society. It is time to free women’s oppression, said Bushra.  Cases of sexual crimes should be decided as speedy trials.


She cited the report of Punjab Safe City Authority and said 30 percent of complaints of domestic violence were reported.

According to her, heinous crimes like murder, rape, acid throwing, etc must be heard and decided early so that justice be provided to the victims.  She demanded criminal justice system must be revised. Bushra said that the dress attire of women should not be a reason to appeal to anyone to exploit them.  Enabling environment is needed in homes and offices as well.

Nabeela Shaheed said the state accepted that women have become more vulnerable in this society and to overcome these issues govt departments introducing women’s safety apps PSCA, police Khidmat Markaz, Helpline’s as formal structures to combats these problems.

Nabeela added that VAW is a behavioral and mindset issue she said women are harassed at public places in markets, at buses and bus stops at roads at parks with abusive talks. Which should also be highlighted through media so that the behaviors can be changed towards a safe environment for half of the population admitting their constitutional and legal status and rights as citizens.

Shah Nawaz demanded gender-based court be established for speedy justice for women. He added that Violence Against Women Centres be made in all districts and rules of business of PWPA & VAW Centre should be made. District women Protection officers should be appointed in every district. He further said the women’s protection Act be implemented within no time. He demanded the appointment of the Chairperson of the Punjab Commission on the Status of Women (PCSW)

Mumtaz Khan, Hafsa Mazher, Ambreen Fatima also demanded an effective and transparent active preventive legal system to avoid VAW cases in Punjab.


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